Last modification: 01/19/08 19:26
Production Notes - "Wreck The Halls"
I confess, it's been a long time - several years, in fact, since posting a from-scratch song here in Project Studio Tan. And it's not like I haven't been recording; I love experimenting with sound and production, but being something of an accidental songwriter it usually takes a great piece of gear in order for me to get really motivated. And that piece of gear was the Kemper Profiling Amplifier, still in beta as I write this. Anyway, after stumbling across Ben Lindholm's metal sendup of "Deck The Halls" at, I thought it would make a great bite-sized project to Reamp once the Kemper came in. Alas, by the time January rolled around the article was taken down so consider this my variation on Ben's arrangement of a very traditional Xmas carol.
The original January mix used Line6's PodFarm 2 softamp. By February my KPA came in and that's the current version on the Studio Tan page. If you're a guitarist and would like to mess with a karaoke edit (just bass and drums) you can find that here. And if you're curious what the original synth demo sounded like, you can find that here.
Actually, I'm kinda glad the Kemper took so long to arrive - I was just getting familiar with it at this point, but with only three instruments and some self-consciously rusty lead guitar it's a tough-sounding little song! (Long after the fact I realized that the sludge-metal contrast reminds me of the downer version of the (NSFW) "Team America" theme song, but that's neither here nor there)
CapnZilog used:
Instruments: Zakk Wylde Epiphone Les Paul Custom (maple neck, w/upgraded
pickups, tailpiece & bridge), MAB string dampener,
Elixir Nanoweb Custom .009's, Fat Tone pick
Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Korg nanoKey
Monitoring: Mackie HR824's, Sennheiser HD-598's, Logitech LS11 2.0's
Editing: SONAR Producer 8.5.2
Audio Effects: Slate Digital VCC, Stillwell Transient
Monster, Sonnox Oxford Inflator, iZotope Ozone 5, Waves Kramer MPX
& S1 Shuffler
Softsynths: Slate SSD 4.0, Spectrasonics Trilian
Mastering: Slate Digital VCC, iZotope Ozone 5, Voxengo Curve EQ 3, Slate Digital FG-X, Waves
Kramer MPX, BBE D82 Sonic Maximizer, Waves L3-16 Multimaximizer
Encoding: Sound Forge Pro 10.0, MP3Tag 2.49b
Additional Mix Stuff
Pod Farm 2 Mix:
Audio Effects: Line6 POD Farm 2
KPA Reamp Mix:
Instruments: ESP LTD FX-360 Explorer (I added another pair of rhythm
guitars because I wanted to try something different. Nyah.)
MXR KFK EQ, Mad Professor Sweet Honey Overdrive, Rockbox Boiling Point
Overdrive, Xotic Effects X-Blender, Kemper Profiling Amplifier
Audio Effects: Voxengo Curve EQ 3
Synth Demo:
Softsynths: Cakewalk Studio
Instruments, TTS-1 & SFZ